Top 5 Ways to Stay Present
Be Present
In todays world, we have become accustom to being busy. Whether it be work, school, or chores, most of our lives rely on a set-in stone to-do list throughout most of our days. While there can be extreme benefits to following a list of objectives day to day, this behavior can often cause people to end up missing the little moments that matter most.
This rushing and stressing can lead to more serious mental health issues like anxiety and depression. That’s why at SOJI we value being present and mindful in your day to day life. Through practicing this as a company, we have compiled a list of our favorite ways to stay present and mindful.
- Focus on the Five Senses- When you begin to feel like you are getting carried away and overwhelmed throughout your day, a good way to help find your way back into the present moment is by focusing on your five senses. While this might seem like a daunting task, it really allows you to remind yourself of what you are experiencing in real time. You can start by noticing things you are experiencing, such as a breeze hitting your skin or smell of your perfume. Work through all of your senses and you will soon be more focused on the present moment you are in.
- Notice your breathing- The simple act of taking a deep breath is a great way to reduce anxiety and calm you down. This can be as simple as noticing the inhale, pause, and exhale. This will allow you to restart and slow down in the busy environment you are experiencing.
- A Grounding Item- Many people see great benefit in carrying a “grounding” item with them. This can be a crystal palm stone, or a piece of jewelry. When anxiety arises, holding and focusing on your item allows you to come back into the present moment.
- Do a Body Scan- A full body scan is a simple practice of meditation that can help to relive any stress that you are harboring which will allow you to feel more present. If you are new into practicing mindfulness, this structured exercise is something you can do anywhere with no guidance. Find a quiet place to sneak away to for a couple minutes and focus on each part of your body at once, starting at your feet and working up to your head. This practice can quickly bring you back to the present moment.
- Carry Black Obsidian- A personal favorite for us at SOJ, carrying black obsidian is one of the most effective ways to allow yourself to remain mindful in the present moment. Our favorite way of utilizing the healing of black obsidian is by using our water bottle. This stone shields panic attacks and mental stress and tension. The stone allows you to become grounded and focus on the simple moments in life rather than being lost in everyday stressors.