Soji Energy


SOJI is a lifestyle brand inspired by the ancient Zen practice of Temple Cleansing

Our namesake SOJI, was born from the ancient spiritual practice called Soji. Soji is a Zen word relating to the practice of “Temple Cleansing.”

The practice is simple. After morning meditation, all members are assigned a basic cleaning task on the Temple grounds (Sweep the hallway, clean the walls, polish the windowpanes). After about 20 minutes the work leader rings a bell signaling the end of all work. If the hallway is half swept, if the walls are not complete, if the only 5 of the 15 windowpanes are polished    - it does not matter, as the “destination” or “completion” is not the intention. The goal was not to complete the task, but to be present during the task.

Approaching everyday tasks the Soji way redirects our energies not towards the future goal, but into the present process. It reminds us that life is not about finishing, but more simply about doing.  If we adopt the mindset to own the present journey rather than the elusive destination we may be more mindful and grateful.

There is no rush. Slow down, be present, take care of yourself, and trust the journey.


-The Soji practice of mindfulness, and the need for this reminder in our everyday lives, inspired us to create the SOJI Brand.-